We are taking following precautions to keep COVID-19 out of our home by following measures:
Created a COVID-19 wing for new and returning residents into a designated wing that is separate from other residents until testing confirms that there is no COVID-19. This will allow for returning residents to receive care in a safe room and then be moved post-quarantine into their designated rooms. This wing will help ensure the safety of our residents and staff alike during this long expected COVID-19 threat.
All visitors and staff undergo screening procedures including temperature checks.
Any resident showing COVID-19 symptoms are moved into the COVID-19 wing until test results.
Twice a day all residents receive temperature checks.
Ensuring there is adequate PPE for our staff.
Ensuring physical distancing measures are respected at all times.
New procedures introduced for perfectioned dining experience, exercise groups, activities, etc. for the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic to ensure residents have access to social interaction, spiritual needs, and physical activities.